From Jesper Rübner (jr_mandolin–at–
Hi everybody !!!
I hope that you’re all doing fine !!
My book just arrived last week and I’m really
happy about it. It looks great and Mel Bay did
a really good job on it.
I also made a MySpace about the book, on which
you can also hear the brand new Info track:
If you’re interested in buying the book from me, please
write me an Email (don’t forget to add your name and
postal address).
The price is (shipping included):
Germany: 31,87 Euros
Europe: 35,67 Euros
If you’re living outside Europe you can also order the book
directly from Mel Bay’s web-site.
Take care !!!!
– Jesper
Ps: The date for workshop in Reinheim has changed to: 01. – 02. Oct. 2010